HomeScotchMacallan 12


Macallan 12 — 2 Comments

  1. Hey you two need a video on you tube! I actually want to see the type of glass you use and how long you let it breath, and how much you consider a serving. POST A VIDEO!!!!

    • Good God, does anyone actually need to SEE us in motion?? Believe it or not, we’ve talked about video and will likely move in that direction eventually. To answer your questions: We use the whisky glass you see in both the header photo above, and the snapshot that accompanies this podcast; we typically let the whisky breathe about two minutes in the glass before we begin tasting (that’s 2 min each way: neat, chilled, and with a drop of water); and since we’re going to drink it 3 ways, we typically serve ourselves just two fingers in the whisky glass.

      Thanks for the suggestion! Maybe sometime in 2015 we’ll experiment with video!


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